Saturday, January 6, 2007

ADHD Symptoms

Children with ADHD are hyperactive and always moving. Because of this, they tend to be careless—walking into walls, tripping on their own feet. They wake up in the morning wide-awake and ready to go—and often don’t stop until the collapse of exhaustion at the end of a very busy day. Children with ADHD don’t understand discipline—they do not understand why they can’t walk on the edges of the sofa or around the rim of the coffee table. They are usually very social, although in a sensory-overload situation, such as recess or gym, they may sit or stand by themselves, away from others. While children with ADHD can’t stay focused without medication, children with bipolar symptoms can become fixated on a TV program or an event. A diagnosis of ADHD bipolar disorder might find the child interacting cruelly or aggressively with others, while being overcome with feelings of sensory over-stimulation.

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